‘Bob’ had suffered physical abuse from his alcoholic father in childhood. His place of safety was in his maternal grandparents’ home, where he had visited frequently as a child and where he felt safe because they were doting and warmly supportive, and because his father wasn’t there.
‘Rose’ built a magical imaginary garden that she could visit by tapping her heels together twice and wishing herself to be there. A good fairy awaited her there and would comfort her over any stress or distress.
My own place of safety is in a bubble under the waters by a coral shelf. I enjoy watching the colorful fish and the play of light on the water surface above, as well as in the play of shadows and light on the sandy sea floor. This is a place where I don’t bring my worries and where I simply enjoy the peace and quiet that surrounds me.
‘Laura’ was 32 when she started using TWR for repeated sexual abuse she had suffered from an uncle in childhood. He had threatened to kill her and her whole family if she ever told anyone about it. Her anxieties were very high as she started to release her memories and feelings about the abuse.
We paused and Laura shifted her focus to her place of peace: a meadow full of flowers that she had enjoyed visiting while on holiday with her parents. This enabled her to set aside her anxieties until she felt ready to return and address them.
When Laura felt calmer, she then shifted back to using TWR on her high meta-anxieties about the releasing of the painful and frightening memories. Her uncle’s threats had terrified her when she was a child, and their intensity was at a 10 on a scale of 1 – 10 when she started to address them. After returning from her place of peace, they were down to an 8. Within minutes she was able to reduce these to zero with the TWR tapping, and to install and strengthen positive feelings of confidence and cognitions of competence to deal in present time with the memories of these threats and her childhood fears.
All Rights Reserved | Daniel Benor MD | Created CCC