
TWR Method

Helping you to clear your stress and pain, and to improve your relationships.
Clear Your Stress
Clear Your Pain
Improve Relationships

TWR Method

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1. What is TWR?

TWR provides immediate relief for symptoms and problems of all sorts.

TWR enables you to release stress, anxieties and pains very easily and quickly.

Join thousands of grateful users who report they’ve had profound benefits from TWR within minutes.


1. Lessen the intensity of negativity of whatever you want to clear

a. Check how strongly you feel about your issue.

Use a SUDS (Subjective Units of Distress Scale) of ‘0’ (not at all) to ’10’ (the worst it could be). To see more details, click the ‘Progress’ button.

b. While you alternate tapping on the right and left sides of your body, on any part of your body (you don’t need to know any acupressure points) in any way that is comfortable for you:


  1. on your forehead
  2. with crossed arms
  3. on the opposite bicep
  4. on your lap
  5. with your feet on the floor


c. Focus your mind on your problem with this statement:

“Even though I feel [LIST YOUR FEELINGS, INCLUDING ANY PHYSICAL SENSATIONS] when I think about or when I remember [FILL IN DETAILS]


- “Even though I’m feel afraid of [heights/ dogs/ speaking in public/ anything else]
- “Even though I feel frustrated and angry at my [parents/ children] when I think about how they don’t listen to me.”
- “Even though I feel anxious and scared and can’t sleep when I think about [my finances/ my illness/ losing my relationship]”

d. Add a strongly positive affirmation

Examples of positive statements:

- “I still love and accept myself, wholly and completely”
- “I remember how good it felt to have a hug from [NAME OF PERSON]”
- "I know that [God/ Spirit/ The Infinite Source/ Allah loves and accepts me, wholly and completely and unconditionally."
- or substitute any other strong positives that work for you

e. Assess your SUDS (as in step 'a') for how strongly you feel your issues after your tapping, enabling you to track your progress.

f. Repeat these steps (1a-1e) until you completely reduced the intensity of the issue you are working on.

You can TWR away anything unpleasant that you wish to release.

Negative thoughts, feelings and symptoms rapidly melt away.

g. It is really helpful to write down the exact words you use.

2. Replacement Positives

State Replacement Positive thoughts and feelings after you’ve TWRed away the negative ones

a. Assess how strong your Replacement Positive is on your SUSS (Subjective Units of Success Scale), where ‘0’ = I don’t really believe this at all and ’10’ = This is the strongest it can be.

b. While you tap again, recite your Replacement Positive statement


- “I feel comfortable and confident when I speak in public.”
- “I can look down from any height and feel comfortable.”
- “I will be patient and persistent when [my children/ wife/ husband] don’t agree with me, and we will work out the best compromise for each one of us.”
- “I’m concerned about my [finances/ other problems] and I’m addressing them the best ways possible, and [enjoying my life in the fullest ways that I can/ giving thanks for the positives in my life].”

c. Followed by your positive affirmation, which makes your Replacement Positive stronger:

- “I still love and accept myself…”
- (Or whatever other strongly positive statement works for you)

d. Again assess your SUSS.

e. Repeat this process (2a – 2d) until your positive statement is as strong as you can make it. You may be surprised to see it rise higher than the ’10’ you expected.

With TWR you invite new options into your life, new ways for relating to yourself, to other people and to the world.

3. TWR Levels

TWR1 provides basic, immediate relief for symptoms and problems of all sorts. (Details in section 1 above)

TWR2 enables you to identify and clear deeper roots of your problems so they don’t return to bother you any more.

TWR2 usually requires guidance of a practitioner. 

TWR2 is often a transformative experience

Many people look 5 years younger after a TWR workshop

You can remain centered when you are under stress

Your relationships improve

You can free yourself from physical and psychological pains[/checklist]

TWR2 usually works much better when you have the help of a facilitator.

4. TWR Demonstration Video

5. Recording Your Progress

a. Writing down what you are saying is extremely helpful in many ways.

If your focusing statement and affirmation are working well, you will be able to use the exact same words again

If your focusing statement and affirmation are not working well, you will be able to tweak your words so they work better

You will have a journal of your progress if you save these notes from your session

In the future, if you are working on something similar, you will have a record of what worked well before.

b. Following your progress with the SUDS (Subjective Units of Distress Scale)

Before you start tapping on your problem issues and after you recite your positive affirmation, check how strong your feelings are about your issues and write them down.Track how the numbers go down till they reach ‘0’.

c. Following your progress when you install ‘Replacement Positives’ with the SUSS (Subjective Units of Success Scale)

Before you start tapping on your replacement positive and after you recite your positive affirmation, check how strong your feelings are about your replacement positive and write it down. The TWR App for Tracking Progress can help you follow  how the numbers go up till they reach ’10’ or higher, and then how your installation of positive thoughts and feelings gets stronger.
This also serves as a journal of your progress, to which you can refer if you find other issues you want to work on in ways that were successful in the past for you.

d. A voice recording of your focusing statement and affirmation can be helpful.

You may find it helpful to have voice guidance when you are tapping, to keep you on track with your focusing statement and affirmation. You may find a voice record helpful in the same ways that written records can be helpful.

Once you know the TWR method, or if you download the .pdf of this app, you can use your mobile phone voice recorder for this.

6   Special Focus Apps

Special Focus Apps

Special focus apps can guide you through specific issues and approaches for quicker and deeper management of your problems. You will find these particularly helpful and well worth purchasing if your issues are more complex or have been present a long time.

Available Applications

The TWR eBook

The TWR book explains in detail how to use TWR for physical and psychological pains of all sorts.

I have been pleased to receive notes of thanks for help received through my books and website, when I never met the writers.

Some people have asked for further explanations, because the materials provided didn’t meet their particular needs.

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DISCLAIMER: For a medical condition you should see a qualified medical practitioner.
If you have suffered severe and/or prolonged, repeated trauma or serious psychological problems, the help of a therapist is advised for the use of TWR.
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