
TWR for Allergies

  • By Conscious Commerce
  • 30 Mar, 2015
By Daniel Benor, MD
TWR can reduce the intensity of allergic reactions and sometimes eliminates them completely. Intermittent exposure allergies clear more quickly and deeply than constant exposure allergies. You simply focus your mind on the allergy symptoms, identifying the allergen if you know it, and then recite the counteracting affirmation.

‘Hillary’ (assumed name) would get itchy and puffy eyes and a runny nose if she came near a cat. If she didn’t put distance between herself and the cat pretty quickly, this could proceed to coughing and wheezing.

I met Hillary at a party in the home of a cat owner, where she apologized in advance over having forgotten to bring her allergy meds and anticipated she would very shortly be in such a bad state that she would have to leave. The host, knowing about the benefits of TWR for allergies, asked if she would be open to seeing whether this could help her. When she agreed, he introduced us and I gave her a crash course in using TWR for her allergies.

Hillary tapped repeatedly on her body while listing her current symptoms of itchy eyes and the rest of her anticipated symptoms, adding the counteracting affirmation, “but I still love and accept myself, wholly and completely.” Within ten minutes she was symptom free, and remained so for the rest of the evening.

With prolonged or constant exposure to allergens it often takes about two weeks before the symptoms clear. It may require an act of faith to persist in tapping for 10-20 minutes, two or three times daily, with no immediate feedback on how it is working for you, or even whether it will work at all. However, perseverance is rewarded with at least partial clearing of symptoms in about three quarters of the people with allergies whom I’ve taught to use TWR.
TWR can also make significant contributions in reducing the severity of multiple allergy syndrome, where people are sensitive to a very wide range of substances (which can include foods of many sorts, perfume, gasoline fumes and other allergens).
With allergies, as with any other physical symptoms, it is also often helpful to dialogue with the problems to ask, “What might my body be wanting me to know about my life?” This is discussed in much greater detail in Seven Minutes to Natural Pain Release .
You may reproduce all or parts of this article in your journal, magazine, ezine, blog or other web or paper publication on condition that you credit the source as follows: Copyright © 2013 Daniel J. Benor, MD, ABHM   All rights reserved. Original publication at WholisticHealingResearch.com where you will find many more related articles on this and similar subjects of wholistic healing.
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