
Combining Healing with TWR

  • By Conscious Commerce
  • 30 Mar, 2015
By Daniel Benor, MD
Spiritual healing (the UK generic term for healing through biological energies, intent, prayers, and the like) can be an excellent combination with TWR.
People using Therapeutic Touch, Healing Touch, Reiki and other healing methods have reported excellent results when adding TWR to their healing work. There are often times that emotional issues come to the surface of awareness when healers use healing to help people with physical problems, or people use healing to help themselves find relief from physical challenges. Our deeper selves find it helpful to bring buried and hidden emotional issues to our awareness through physical symptoms.
TWR offers tools for dealing with such emotions that surface during healing treatments. These emotions may feel a bit overwhelming, both because they come spontaneously and unexpectedly and because they may be of an intensity that is beyond our comfort zones. Healing has its own wisdom and brings about changes through our inner guidance – sometimes with an intensity that our inner self judges we can handle, but which our conscious self finds a bit overwhelming. TWR provides the tools to exercise our conscious judgment and wisdom in furthering the clearing of emotional issues.
With TWR we can deal with small parts of the problem at a time so that we don’t feel overwhelmed. This is called partializing a problem. It’s rather like addressing a brick at a time to do a remodeling job on our inner home. We can similarly choose to combine several pieces together to facilitate the clearing of problems. This is called bundling a problem. Many healers have also reported they are pleased to be able to teach TWR to healees so that they are able to go home and continue to clear their issues themselves.
Example 1

‘Ann’ (assumed name) came for healing for her chronic stomach pains that her family doctor had not been able to explain or treat successfully. She was weary of the many examinations, scans and lab tests and frustrated with the money she had wasted on various medications and on the side effects she had suffered from them.

Ann was surprised to find herself extremely anxious and restless as the healing proceeded. Previous healing treatments had been blissfully relaxing. ‘Meg,’ her healer, reassured Ann that this was actually a good sign, indicating that the healing was loosening up whatever imbalances in her life were tied to her stomach pains. Trusting Meg, Ann allowed her to continue with the healing, even though she felt she wanted to jump off the table and leave the treatment room.

Responding to Ann’s discomfort, Meg continued to let the healing flow through her hands as she introduced her to TWR. Ann dialogued with her anxious feelings and rapidly came to an awareness that some part of her feared she would be overwhelmed by the feelings locked into her stomach issues. TWR enabled Ann to release these fears rapidly, much to her surprise and relief.

Meg guided her next into talking with her stomach to learn what it was wanting Ann to know that was out of harmony in her life. Ann was surprised to have her stomach thank her, first of all, for listening to what it had been working hard to get her to pay attention to. Her stomach then explained that it was tired of her swallowing down her feelings of distress and anxiety over the escalating conflicts she was having with her boyfriend. As Ann connected with these feelings, she was further surprised to find her stomach pains going down – for the first time in many months.

Meg instructed Ann in using TWR as self-healing. This proved effective in releasing her pains, as well as in getting her more in touch with her body as an integral part of her being and not just as a vehicle for her brain.

TWR is outstanding in facilitating our dialogue with our bodies. Just initiating the dialogue will often lead to immediate decreases in pain and other symptoms, and will open up paths to healing our lives.
Coming from the other direction, TWR may bring people into places of discomfort that healing can help.
Example 2

Two weeks after his skiing accident, ‘Bob’ was frustrated that his ankle fracture still remained painful, despite having his cast changed twice. His doctors had no explanation for this. Bob was also tired of the side effects from his medications.

TWR helped reduce his ankle pain modestly but did not eliminate it. Adding healing to his self-healing with TWR, Bob came into memories of deep frustration and anger when his father had disciplined him as a child with frequent spankings. He had once kicked his father in such a fit of rage, only to receive a double dose of spanking.

The healing helped Bob connect with his general fears of letting his anger out, following these childhood experiences. He realized that his anger had been stirred by conflicts with his manager at work because this man also had a strong temper and was something of a tyrant to those working under him.

I am unable to explain with any certainty why TWR will work in some situations and healing in others, to help people overcome their blocks to dialoguing with their bodies, and to facilitate their understanding and clearing of their symptoms. But I encourage you to consider this combination if you find yourself blocked on your self-healing journeys.
You may reproduce all or parts of this article in your journal, magazine, ezine, blog or other web or paper publication on condition that you credit the source as follows: Copyright © 2014 Daniel J. Benor, MD, ABHM   All rights reserved. Original publication at WholisticHealingResearch.com where you will find many more related articles on this and similar subjects of wholistic healing.
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