What do YOU do to promote your health?
Many readers of these articles are already incorporating healthy diets (free of pollutants, pesticides and additives), clean water and fitness routines. This will keep your body healthier.
Preventive health is also possible through self-healing exercises you can do for your body, emotions, mind, relationships and spirit. (To see how all of these parts of yourself are closely inter-related,
click here
.) By attending to our self-care on a regular basis, we are more relaxed, less stressed and bothered with worries. We are then more available to respond fully in the present to whatever challenges come our way.
(Transformative Wholistic Reintegration) can be enormously helpful for building resilience in many manners:
Sonya tripped on the edge of a throw-rug in her home and bruised her knee. Over the following days the pain increased, to the point that it seriously restricted her movement. Her doctor could find nothing that even warranted a scan or x-ray and prescribed a pain killer. A friend pointed Sonya to my book, Seven Minutes to Natural Pain Release
. Sonya was skeptical about my suggestions for dialoguing with her pain, but her friend suggested she had little to lose by exploring this. To her surprise, when she quietly asked her knee what it wanted her to know about her life, it immediately responded, “You’re constantly running in too many different directions. You’re always complaining you’re so busy that you can’t get many things done. Slow down and consider carefully what is really important in your life.” As Sonya absorbed this message, she was astounded to find that her knee pain was less than half as bad as it had been only a few minutes earlier – for the first time in more than 2 weeks. With further dialogues with her knee, her pain cleared completely.
Many of our physical problems can clear when we TWR away the underlying issues. This leaves us more resilient and free to enjoy life to the fullest.
You may reproduce all or parts of this article in your journal, magazine, ezine, blog or other web or paper publication on condition that you credit the source as follows: Copyright © 2015 Daniel J. Benor, MD, ABHM All rights reserved. Original publication at
where you will find many more related articles on this and similar subjects of wholistic healing.