
Nausea Need Not Be Nauseating

  • By Conscious Commerce
  • 19 May, 2015
By Daniel Benor, MD
Mild to moderate nausea may be caused by common problems with relatively minor dangers, such as viral infections and spoiled foods, as well as by motion sickness, early pregnancy and dizziness or vertigo (from heights, fears and middle ear problems). When you have to vomit, this worsens the situation. Nausea and vomiting also occur frequently with chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Any of these problems can become more serious. Severe nausea and vomiting can lead to dehydration from vomiting and being unable to hold down any fluids. Food poisoning can make you dangerously ill or may even be fatal. Other causes of severe nausea, such as toxemia in later stages of pregnancy, may require serious medical or surgical interventions.
The unpleasantness of nausea and vomiting can also create a vicious circle of upsetting you, making you anxious, and then having the anxieties heighten the symptoms, which makes you even more nervous and worsens your nausea.
Medications are available to calm the stomach and decrease the nausea. However, drugs can be mixed blessings. Common problems with drugs include their side effects, costs and lack of availability when you have an unexpected onset of nausea. Worse yet, drugs can kill you. Over 100,000 people die every year in the US alone from medications that are properly prescribed and properly used.
It is no surprise that rapidly increasing numbers of people are seeking out complementary/ alternative therapies for dealing with their problems. These methods are safe, have few side effects, and often can be used as self-healing – as and when they are needed.
TWR is one of these methods. By tapping on the left and right sides of the body and reciting a simple affirmation it is possible to reduce or even eliminate most kinds of nausea.

‘Sally’ (assumed name) was very pleased to be expecting her first child but very upset to find herself experiencing persistent nausea late into her fourth month of pregnancy. She was so nauseous that she would occasionally vomit, and felt so debilitated that it was hard for her to remain at work. This was all the more worrisome because her job provided almost half of the family income and both she and her husband were still paying off student loans.

While she experienced less nausea at night, her anxieties were beginning to interfere with her falling asleep and were waking her several times during the night and much earlier than usual in the mornings. She was absolutely opposed to taking any medications while she was pregnant, and this was causing tensions between her and her husband, John.

Sally was delighted to find TWR, which enabled her to reduce her nausea to tolerable levels all of the time, and sometimes to eliminate it completely. TWR also worked well to eliminate her anxieties, converting them into manageable concerns. With the reduction in nausea, staying on at work was no longer an issue, and the tensions between her and John were resolved.

This is a very typical report of the benefits of TWR. People are pleased to be able to deal with their nausea, stresses and anxieties without having to rely on medications. They are also pleased that TWR allows them to have a self-healing method that they is available whenever needed, and which they can use discreetly, without anyone knowing they are doing it.
You may reproduce all or parts of this article in your journal, magazine, ezine, blog or other web or paper publication on condition that you credit the source as follows: Copyright © 2014 Daniel J. Benor, MD, ABHM   All rights reserved. Original publication at WholisticHealingResearch.com where you will find many more related articles on this and similar subjects of wholistic healing.
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