
Fear of Speaking in Public

  • By Conscious Commerce
  • 09 May, 2016
By Daniel J. Benor, MD
Discomfort in public speaking is a very common experience. It can range from mild discomfort or embarrassment without a justified reason; escalating to high degrees of nervousness and anticipating disaster prior to a public speech; proceeding into sweating, palpitations, trembling hands, blushing and stuttering; and, at the worst, ending up totally fearful and unable to make yourself stand up to speak, or your mind going completely blank – even with the written speech right there in your hand.
In milder versions it might not even be identified as ‘a problem.’ You might have a demanding or crabby boss, a family member given to temper outbursts, or you could be unable to sing on key. Any of these or other situations might lead you to avoid uttering a word under specific circumstances.
I have been helping people overcome these sorts of speaking anxieties over a period of four decades, with surprisingly rapid successes. Many have found they are able to release their fear of speaking in a single hour’s session with the help of TWR , even when their problems were on the severe end of the spectrum.
As you are staring to use TWR, it is very important to look back over your life for any negative experiences you might have had with speaking in public. I have been distressed to see that many of these public speaking traumas occurred in school settings. Often, it appears in retrospect that the issues were minor ones, but it is clear that at the time, as children, there was severe distress because the teacher or classmates made fun them, belittled them or in some other ways embarrassed and distressed them.
In other instances the embarrassment happened at home or in a church setting, with parents, older brothers and sisters or a Sunday school teachers, nuns or priests who traumatized them. Occasionally people have done this to themselves, by setting their expectations too high or through excessively harsh self-criticisms.
If the trauma occurred as a single incident, which by far is the more frequent report, it is more likely to clear very quickly. However, even when there were repeated incidents of public speaking traumas, TWR can eliminate the current life difficulties with public speaking.

Approaches for releasing fears of public speaking
The majority of people I’ve helped report that the most direct method has been the most successful. They simply do the TWR tapping, focusing their mind with an affirmation that details the specifics of their experiences of fears when they are faced with having to speak in public.
If this does not relieve the problem immediately, then bundling the current issues together with the memories of the original trauma will do the trick. People are amazed to find that their memories of being criticized or laughed at start to fade, and the intensity of the feelings surrounding their memories of the traumas are completely eliminated.
I’ve had numbers of people report they were able to do this on their own, either from reading Seven Minutes to Natural Pain Release or from participating in a workshop. They put together their affirmations on their own and tapped on themselves with immediate success. In some cases, however, they had more complex problems or simply needed a little coaching in using TWR for self-healing in order to free themselves of these awkward problems.
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Further articles coming soon:
My Way Is Better than Your Way
Our Way is Better than Your Way
Discomforts, Dislikes and Deadly Fears of Being Wrong
Creative Clearing and Centering
You may reproduce all or parts of this article in your journal, magazine, ezine, blog or other web or paper publication on condition that you credit the source as follows: Copyright © 2012 Daniel J. Benor, MD, ABHM   All rights reserved. Original publication at  WholisticHealingResearch.com  where you will find many more related articles on this and similar subjects of wholistic healing.
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