
TWR for Pregnancy, Labor and Delivery – Part 2: Physical problems

  • By Conscious Commerce
  • 09 May, 2016
By Daniel J. Benor, MD
TWR can be of enormous help in pregnancy, labor and delivery.
Having a baby is a very special event. For many people this is truly a blessed experience. There are all the joys of bringing new life into the world; bonding in new ways with a spouse or partner; learning ever deeper, positive lessons in life; finding deeper meaningfulness in living; and much, much more.
Having a baby may be a special experience in very different ways. Being pregnant may present many serious challenges. Increased appetite may lead to excessive weight gains. This may trigger toxemia or worsen hypertension of pregnancy. Carrying a baby shifts weight to the front of the body, which can lead to back strain and back pain. Emotional stresses of pregnancy may produce tensions in the body, contributing to headaches, anxiety reactions
TWR for physical problems in pregnancy
Women report that TWR is outstanding for relieving anxieties and stress reactions, as detailed below. Stress leads us to tense our bodies in preparation for meeting and dealing with problems and perceived dangers. This is helpful if we have to fight or flee from a situation. However, such tensions in the body may not be discharged through activating our muscles. They may accumulate tightness in muscles, tendons and joints that then lead to muscle spasm or worsening of joint pains.
TWR is helpful in several ways:
  • TWR helps release the anxieties that wind up the muscles, cause spasm and pain, and contribute to various physical problems.
    – Pains and pain responses are usually lessened when tension levels are lowered.
    – Hypertension and symptoms of eclampsia may be lessened.
    – Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy can be lessened or stopped.
    – Difficulties sleeping and nightmares may be alleviated.
    – Food cravings may be alleviated.
  • TWR enables women to deal with pain – in a variety of beneficial ways:
    – Women can connect with their unconscious mind through attending to what their pain wants them to know about their lives. This promotes growth in self-awareness and may reduce pains.
    – Pain can be decreased directly by using TWR.
  • TWR enables women to install positive thoughts and feelings to replace negative ones that have been released.

Dora was anxious during her second pregnancy. Her husband, who worked long hours to help make ends meet, had not given her as much support as she felt she had needed during her first pregnancy, when she suffered from nausea, excessive weight gain and backaches. Dora worried that she would have even greater difficulties coping with her second pregnancy and second child, on top of caring for her two year-old daughter.

In her second and third months of pregnancy, Dora was plagued by severe nausea and occasional vomiting. She learned TWR by reading Seven Minutes to Natural Pain Release, anticipating she might benefit from using self-healing for the backaches she anticipated having again in this pregnancy. She was skeptical when she came across mention that Nausea could respond as well to TWR, but very pleasantly surprised when she had immediate benefits from using TWR in this way.

Dora was even more pleased when she was able to curb her appetite and prevent excessive weight gain later in her pregnancy. Her back pains also recurred, but were much milder. Following the recommended procedures from the book, she dialogued with her pain and dealt with the anxieties that were contributing to the pain by making her up tight.

I was pleased to have Dora’s thanks – through the mutual friend who had given her the gift of the book.

TWR is extremely easy to learn and to use. I often receive notes of thanks from people I have never met, after they learned and enjoyed the uses of TWR from the book, workbook or articles on my website.
Personal instructions in how to use TWR may enhance its benefits. For instance, had Dora contacted me about her nausea, I would have advised her to dialogue with this symptom. Just as people dialogue with pain, they can dialogue with any other body symptom, to learn and grow from what their body wants to tell them about their life.
More in Part 3 ( click to read )
You may reproduce all or parts of this article in your journal, magazine, ezine, blog or other web or paper publication on condition that you credit the source as follows: Copyright © 2012 Daniel J. Benor, MD, ABHM   All rights reserved. Original publication at WholisticHealingResearch.com where you will find many more related articles on this and similar subjects of wholistic healing.
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