
TWR! Converting Anticipatory Anxieties into Trust in the Unknown – Part 3 of 3

  • By Conscious Commerce
  • 11 May, 2016
By Daniel J. Benor, MD
TWR is a wholistic healing approach that addresses the entire spectrum of our being: body , emotions , mind , relationships and spirit . This is why responses to TWR show deep and lasting changes.
In parts 1 and 2 of this article, we examined issues of body, emotions and mind. While there are elements of the unknown in these levels of our being, our usual patterns of experience and behavior give us a reasonable sense of what to expect in these domains of our experiences. If I burn my hand in removing a casserole from the oven, I have a pretty good idea of how long it will take to heal. If I get into a stressful situation, I know pretty well what to anticipate about how I will sort out my thoughts and emotions.
When we have challenges in our relationships, there are greater elements of the unknown. We cannot be as certain of processes or outcomes in other people because we cannot fully sense or understand their mind and emotions, nor know all the aspects of their history, motivations, relationships with varieties of people, and the myriads of other factors that shape and influence their relationship with ourselves.
These uncertainties are the spice of life and relationships. Our anticipations are met with unending surprises. When our relationships are positive, they are rewarded by nurturing responses; but when negative, there are often the anticipatory anxieties over possible angry interactions, perhaps even threats of violence, all of which are attached to memories of past disappointing, hurtful and painful interactions.
TWR can relieve these negative thoughts, feelings and memories. TWR can also help enormously with relationships through installing and strengthening positive thoughts and feelings about one’s family members, partners and co-workers.
On deeper levels, TWR can help to resolve traumas that are inherited through the family collective consciousness. Family Constellation work ( web reference ) demonstrates that when there has been a severe conflict or bereavement that was not resolved in earlier generations, other family members may suffer from the unresolved feelings. For instance, the death of a child in childbirth or in a miscarriage or abortion may not have been grieved by the parents or siblings of the dead child. These feelings can then surface in a sibling of the child who died or in a grandchild of the parents. Unusually strong angers or unexplained depressions may occur in the living relatives, and may not respond well to conventional treatments. By becoming aware of the death in a previous generation and resolving the residual feelings in Family Constellation work, the angers and depressions often clear very rapidly.
In some cases, however, these feelings linger and do not clear with the Constellation work. TWR can help to clear the residual issues and feelings. This can then relieve misdirected attitudes and emotions in current relationships that are based on anticipatory anxieties inherited from earlier generations.
In the dimension of our spiritual awarenesses and healing, we are always on paths of life lessons – whatever is happening in our lives. Our challenge is to waken to these awarenesses and healings.
The spiritual level of our being can also be enhanced with TWR . As we gain confidence in our abilities to release the negativity in our life experiences and to install positive awarenesses, beliefs and feelings, our spiritual consciousness also expands and deepens. We can deliberately enhance our spiritual life through using spiritual affirmations .
Even more important, our confidence in the reality and validity of our spiritual awareness is strengthened as we experience the transformative power of the spiritual connections that we invite into our lives through our TWR self-healing process. Many people immediately sense the power of the transcendent in their lives when they add spiritual affirmations to the TWR process. The intensity of their pains, emotional distress or other negative issues that they are clearing diminishes more quickly and with a deeper healing as the spiritual affirmations are added to the process.
TWR offers us varieties of way to learn to trust our intuitive awarenesses. The feedback we get as our symptoms decrease during practice of the TWR process enables us to trust our intuitions from muscle testing, listening to our symptoms, inner guidance, and proxy (surrogate) healings.
In summary, we can see that wholistic healing, addressing body, emotions, mind, relationships and spirit brings us more profound healings.
You may reproduce all or parts of this article in your journal, magazine, ezine, blog or other web or paper publication on condition that you credit the source as follows: Copyright © 2008 Daniel J. Benor, MD, ABHM   All rights reserved. Original publication at WholisticHealingResearch.com where you will find many more related articles on this and similar subjects of wholistic healing.
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