
Transformational Potentials of TWR

  • By Conscious Commerce
  • 09 May, 2016
By Daniel J. Benor, MD
TWR is so easy to learn that children often go home and teach their family to use it. here is an interesting report on this from a physiotherapist who has been using TWR with children who have neurological impairments:
I taught TWR to a 6 year-old child. She taught it to her mother. Her mother taught it to a friend. The friend taught it to her (adult) daughter. The daughter is writing a biography of a woman who is dredging up horrific images from her past so she taught the woman TWR to use while recording her memories.
Thanks Dan. You rock!
While the methodology of TWR is very simple, it is elegantly simple. Because it works so rapidly, it enables users to quickly identify when there are meta-issues blocking their progress.
Carrie, a woman at a TWR workshop, was clearing distress over the breakup of a relationship. The intensity of her initial SUDS for hurt, sadness and anger was 11 on a scale of 10. Initially, she made good progress tapping and reciting her focusing statement and counteracting affirmation.
When the SUDS stuck at a 6 and did not go lower despite massaging the collarbone point and sharpening the focus of her focusing statement, we explored reasons Carrie might feel a need to hold onto the distress.  She quickly connected with residual feelings of bewilderment, hurt and anger from childhood, when her parents separated and then divorced. When Carrie bundled these with the feelings from her current distress, the SUDS went down to a 3, where it again stuck.
Further questioning led Carrie to realize she was always expecting relationships to sour and dissolve. In fact, some of her defensive behaviors had the paradoxical effects of causing precisely what she feared would happen. Working separately on these meta-issues, reducing their intensity from 8/10 to zero, she then installed a replacement positive, “I can leave my childhood fears of abandonment behind me, and know that I can do better in my relationships than my parents did.”
This freed Carrie of her deep, limiting beliefs which had had pervasively negative effects in many areas of her life. This was immediately evident, when her SUDS for her current distress promptly responded to TWR and reduced all the way to zero.
TWR self-healing is transformative when people use it regularly. I often tell prospective workshop participants that they will look five years younger by the end of their day of learning TWR for personal uses.
Beyond the effects on individuals, however, TWR offers many promises for broader transformations:
  • Imagine a world where children learn TWR in school and no longer have to carry childhood hurts and limiting beliefs throughout the rest of their lives (as Carrie had done).
  • Imagine a world in which emotional trauma is cleared immediately following a distressing experience, so that Post Traumatic Stress Disorders (PTSD) is a diagnosis known only to past generations.
  • Imagine a world in which TWR is the treatment of first choice for chronic stress and distress – before taking pills to kill the feelings, which are begging for release through various psychological and physical symptoms.
  • Imagine a world in which chronic physical problems such as arthritis, irritable bowel syndromes, backaches, migraines, and all other diseases are treated first with TWR – before getting into drugs and other treatments that carry serious side effects and risks, a significant percent of these being fatalities.
How do we get to a world like this?
Future plans include research with brain scans to identify how TWR works; bringing TWR to schools and corporate settings where it can be implemented for stress and anxiety reduction, and for decreasing stress-related illnesses, absenteeism and other such problems in the workplace.
My most immediate plan in answer to this question is to offer many more people opportunities to enjoy TWR resources.
Through Thursday, December 24th we are mounting a campaign on line promoting my book, Seven Minutes to Natural Pain Release.
Purchase a book for yourself
Or give the gift of healing to someone you know
for physical or emotional pains of all sorts…
for stresses of financial pressures, job worries, relationship issues…
for changing cravings and other habits…
and more…
Enter for a chance to win
visit http://www.paintap.com/ on December 17th for details
  • A private session with Daniel J. Benor, MD, developer and teacher of TWR
  • A free group telephone tutorial in TWR for the first 10 people to register
  • Workshop TWR for Personal Transformation Workshop
ALSO Get Hundreds of dollars worth of bonus offers, including:
  • A free telephone seminar with Q & A about TWR for anyone and everyone
  • Plus many NEW bonuses and promotional offers from a spectrum of wholistic therapists, Books, Articles on wholistic healing
  • Discounts on wholistic items
Seven Minutes to Natural Pain Release: Pain Is a Choice and Suffering Is Optional – TWR for Tapping Your Pain Away.
Your feedback on this article is welcomed.
You may reproduce all or parts of this article in your journal, magazine, ezine, blog or other web or paper publication on condition that you credit the source as follows: Copyright © 2008 Daniel J. Benor, MD, ABHM   All rights reserved. Original publication at WholisticHealingResearch.com where you will find many more related articles on this and similar subjects of wholistic healing.
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