
More On Ultradian Rhythms, TWR and Meta-Meta Levels of Issues

  • By Conscious Commerce
  • 08 Apr, 2016
By Daniel J. Benor, MD
This is to update my previous TWR article on ultradian rhythms , so if you have not read that yet, and do not know about ultradian rhythms, you might want to read that first.
In brief, ultradian rhythms are the shifts that occur between right and left brain hemisphere activity, on the average about every 90-120 minutes. These shifts are accompanied by simultaneous widening of the nostril opposite to the hemisphere that is more active. That is, when the left hemisphere is active, the right nostril is more open, and conversely with the opposite hemisphere and nostril.
It is known from the work of the late Milton Erikson, one of the world’s most innovative hypnotherapists, that people are more open to suggestions for making changes in their lives at the point where the shift in ultradian rhythm is occurring between right and left hemispheres. This shift point is marked by both nostrils being open at the same time, which spontaneously occurs every 90-120 minutes.
I have found that it is possible to reverse the nasal laterality by placing my head on the pillow with the open nostril side down, next to the pillow. More on this in the previous article and below.
TWR and ultradian rhythms
TWR, the Wholistic Hybrid derived from EMDR and EFT, involves alternating stimulation of the left and right sides of the body while focusing with an individualized affirmation on problem issues we want to change. Users report that TWR is rapidly, deeply and permanently effective in relieving pains, stresses and distress of all sorts.
There are times during the TWR process when the problem focus issues do not diminish in intensity. One of the reasons for this can be a meta-issue that prevents us from releasing the problem issue.
Irene experienced severe emotional trauma when she was raped by an uncle at age 14. She was further traumatized when her mother refused to believe her. At age 32 she came for therapy because she found herself repeatedly in abusive relationships with men, despite doing her best to anticipate and avoid this.
She estimated the level of intensity of her feelings about the initial traumas at 50 on a scale of 10. TWR helped her reduce this intensity within minutes to 8, but then there was no further decrease in her Subjective Units of Distress Scale (SUDS). Massaging the collarbone point, the most commonly effective way of overcoming such a block, produced no results.
With some probing, she realized she had a meta-anxiety that if she released her fears surrounding the rape, she might not maintain sufficient vigilance to avoid another such experience. Using TWR on this meta-anxiety reduced the SUDS to 3.5 but it again refused to release any further.
With further probing, a meta-meta issue became evident. This was a core belief that the world is not a safe place – based on Irene’s childhood experiences of growing up in a family where there was constant arguing and fighting between her parents. This belief prevented her from releasing her meta-anxiety about releasing fears around the rape. After releasing this meta-meta anxiety with TWR, the remaining anxiety around the rape went down to zero with just two further rounds of TWR.
In my personal experiences of clearing deeper issues, I find that using TWR during the shifting time between hemispheric ultradian dominance significantly facilitates emotional and cognitive releases with TWR. It is a bit of a juggle to keep my focus on maintaining equal nasal openness, while simultaneously saying the affirmation and doing alternating bilateral stimulation, but well worth the effort.
The ultradian process has surprised me by providing several types of unexpected feedback on the TWR process.
There are times when the laterality has been slow to shift upon putting the side of my head on the pillow that has the more open nostril. As I focused on various issues and started to use this method to get both sides of my nostrils open, I discovered that if I was anxious at a meta- meta- level about releasing a meta-issue, this interfered with the process of opening both nostrils. The opposite nostril simply would not open, or would open wide but then the first side would immediately narrow down. I find that as soon as I start to address the meta- meta-anxieties, both nostrils have opened readily.
There were also times when I did not identify the ‘key log in the logjam’ of issues that I was addressing. That is, I had bundled a variety of related issues together, but was focusing primarily on an issue that was not the key issue in whatever was distressing me.  Again, the same difficulty with achieving the opening of both nostrils occurred. I find that as soon as I shift to address the key issue, the logjam releases and the TWR process flows smoothly.
This process gives new meaning to being able to breathe better as you deal with stressful and painful issues!
Your feedback on this article is welcomed.
You may reproduce all or parts of this article in your journal, magazine, ezine, blog or other web or paper publication on condition that you credit the source as follows: Copyright © 2008 Daniel J. Benor, MD, ABHM   All rights reserved. Original publication at WholisticHealingResearch.com where you will find many more related articles on this and similar subjects of wholistic healing.
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