
Using TWR for the Memory of Chronic Pain When the Pain Is Not Present

  • By Conscious Commerce
  • 11 May, 2016
By Daniel J. Benor, MD
TWR is amazingly helpful in dealing with chronic pains of all sorts. Grateful users of TWR report that physical and emotional pains, even when they have been present for decades, can be released very rapidly.
Even with such long-standing pain there are underlying messages that the unconscious mind is working diligently to get us to address. The pain is actually a meta-messenger from the unconscious mind, like a telephone ring, to get our attention. After learning the messages that the unconscious mind wants to have us address, we can then use the TWR combination of affirmations and tapping to release even more of the pain.

Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promises only; to pain we obey.
                     – Marcel Proust

A problem can arise in TWR treatments when chronic pain is intermittent. A client may come for a session when the pain is not present and it may appear that without active pain to work on it is impossible to help. This is far from the case.
TWR works just as well when a person focuses on a previous episode of pain that is no longer being experienced in the present. Most people can readily return in their memories and can clearly reconnect with their pain.
In fact, this is one of the problems that make chronic pain such a burden. The memories of pain may be quite vivid, leading people to fear experiencing the pain again when it returns.
Fortunately for those using TWR, the memories of the pain are often sufficiently precise to allow them to do the entire TWR process by returning again and again to the remembered pain. They are thus able to dialogue with the pain to ask what it wants to tell them about their lives; negotiate with the pain over what it wants them to do differently in their lives; and use the affirmations and tapping to clear the memory of the incident of pain they are focusing on.
This method of dealing with the memory of chronic pain can be just as effective as working on pain that is present during the TWR session.
You may reproduce all or parts of this article in your journal, magazine, ezine, blog or other web or paper publication on condition that you credit the source as follows: Copyright © 2008 Daniel J. Benor, MD, ABHM   All rights reserved. Original publication at WholisticHealingResearch.com where you will find many more related articles on this and similar subjects of wholistic healing.
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